Web Services: Make output parameter as optional

Attention: The actions on this post are done by changing the SAP standard code. Do it at your own risk.

By standard, the Web Services published in SAP can only have input parameters as optional. The option the set an output parameter as optional in the SE80 is locked.

This usually is not a problem, because the third parties adapt on there side. But in case that you really need to set an output field as optional, for example an integer field that cannot be sent empty, opening an incident to SAP will not solve your problem, because they will simply reply that it is not possible.

I make this blog to show that it is possible, but I don’t recommend sense you need to change some core SAP code.

Step 1 – Activate the “optional” option in SE80


FORM: move_if_export.

Add the following code at the beginning of the loop, after the clear.

loop at if_export.
  clear params.
    params-optional = abap_true.  
  params-paramclass = export.

The expected result after this change is that now that now, the optional flag can be selected, and if you activate it, your WSDL will be update and the output field will be set with the attribute of min occurr. equal to 0.

Step 2 – Develop a logic to define the field as null

Now that the field is optional, you need to remove it from the webservice response, depending on your scenario.


Inside the “loop at parameter into l_p” add your logic

  loop at parameter into l_p "#EC CI_STDSEQ
    where direction = abap_func_importing
      or  direction = abap_func_changing
      or  direction = abap_func_tables.

    clear: l_st_p.

    l_st_p-name  = l_p-name.
    l_st_p-value = l_p-value.
    append l_st_p to st_to_xml.

    clear: l_st_p.
* 06.09.05vw Bug for optional changing parameter
*  we will send all out-parameter, regardless if the
*  equal named in-parameter was received or not!

    assign l_p-received_ref->* to <ref>.
    <ref> = TSOAP_TRUE.

    l_st_p-name  = l_p-received_name.
    ASSIGN l_p-value->* to FIELD-SYMBOL(<value>).  
    IF ( me->function = 'YOURFUNCTION' AND l_p-name = 'YOURFIELD' AND <value> = '0' ).  "Depending on the value the field is sent as NULL in the Webservice 
      <ref> = tsoap_false.  "
    UNASSIGN <value>.
    l_st_p-value = l_p-received_ref.

    append l_st_p to st_to_xml.


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