FI-CA: Trigger any type of refill in SAP CC from FI-CA

If you didn’t go deep in the refill functionally, you would think that you are limited to the options that SAP CRM and the FP40P provides you. But the refill functionality can be quite versatile.

The purpose of this blog is to explain that it is possible to trigger any refill in SAP CC from FI-CA, and control if that refill needs to post a new FI-CA document or the document was already posted.

All this is possible using the function module “FKK_PREP_BALANCE_CHANGE”. With the field “PPRSN” you can control which refill you want to trigger, and with the field “

This can be useful in the following situations:

  • To trigger an automatic refill from SAP FI-CA
      DATA s_prep_bal_chg TYPE fkk_prep_bal_chg.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-ppacc = ppacc.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-betrw = amount * -1.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-waers = waers.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-pprsn = cl_fkk_prep=>co_pprsn_02. "02 
          i_prep_bal_chg         = ls_prep_bal_chg  
  • To trigger a refill after a payment is posted (in fact SAP does it in the cash desk functionality). Because in the following code we are already passing the “PPDOC”, when the BIT is invoiced, no new document is created, and the invoicing gets liked with the payment document.
      DATA s_prep_bal_chg TYPE fkk_prep_bal_chg.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-ppacc = ppacc.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-betrw = amount * -1.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-waers = waers.  
      s_prep_bal_chg-pprsn = cl_fkk_prep=>co_pprsn_01. "01
      s_prep_bal_chg-ppdoc = paymentdocument.  
          i_prep_bal_chg         = ls_prep_bal_chg  
  • You need to trigger from any point of FI-CA, refunds, write-off, balance transfers, etc.

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